Free survey

Our services

Free on-site full detailed survey
Free detailed quotation
Full administration
Preparation of a free detailed roadmap
Expert advice
Delivery, logistics

You can see our references here:

For more information, please contact us:

If you would like more information on general contracting:

Free survey process (free, no cost)

1, The Existing Conditions Assessment:

  • Every room is accurately surveyed and measured
  • We assess the demolition workflow in detail

2, According to the Client's vision and needs, how he wants the property to be renovated, how it should be designed, how it should look like

  • If the premises are changed (reallocation), the future layout will be accurately measured (and a sketch drawing will be made on site with the measurements)
  • discuss and precisely measure the cold tiling workflow (tiles, paving, etc.) e.g.: bathroom, kitchen where to place tiles...... etc.
  • discussing and accurately measuring the heat coating workflow (e.g. parquet flooring)
  • discuss and precisely measure the painting workflow (e.g. painting, plastering, renovation of windows, etc.)
  • discuss and precisely measure all work processes necessary to carry out the renovation
  • Accurate description of the electrical installation (and marked on the dimensioned sketch drawing)
  • Exact discussion of the water-gas-heating installation (and marking on the dimensioned sketch drawing e.g.: where the bath will be, where the bath, sink, etc.)
  • All other work processes will be discussed, and everything will be described in detail and written down 

Duration of the survey: what to expect and how long the survey will take

The survey will depend on the size of the property and the work to be carried out, usually a detailed survey takes 1-2.5 hours.

A 2nd survey is usually required (free of charge)

  • After the first survey is carried out, a detailed quotation (budget) is discussed and clarified (we have a detailed quotation already prepared)
  • Discuss and refine the detailed schedule after the first survey has been carried out
    (we have a detailed timetable already worked out here)

The refined, completed detailed quotation (in official form) and detailed schedule will be printed out and sent electronically to the prospective client for review. 


Detailed quote and schedule (free, no cost)

Detailed quotation

A detailed quotation (after an accurate detailed survey) will be prepared for you so that for each job (task) all work processes and additional work processes are worked out in full detail.
Usually a detailed quotation is between 2-14 pages, depending on the size of the work to be done.
In the detailed quotation, the quantities are precisely calculated for the given work items and work processes.


Detailed timetable

A detailed schedule showing exactly how your dream home will be built

What are the dangers of not having a timetable?

  • Who does what when and how......... can result in messy, sloppy work
  • When does the water come, when does the electrician have to come if there is no Géza tomorrow, Misi is good too........ the result is constant delays, incomprehension...... and poorly done work

What is the detailed timetable for?

  • The schedule shows you exactly how your home will be built
  • The schedules are structured to ensure that your home renovation is carried out in a professional, organised manner and to a Class I quality in accordance with technological procedures.
  • A home renovation or other general construction project consists of at least 12 phases, each phase has different work items, tasks and work processes
  • For the execution of a given stroke, you can see the exact drying and curing times in the stroke
  • Each schedule is characterised by deadlines, i.e. from when to when the schedule will be implemented
  • To carry out each phase, it is possible to know exactly what building materials, additional and auxiliary materials and other products are needed.
  • The Client-Customer knows exactly when we are doing what and can plan and organise their plans for the property in advance (e.g. when they can move in or when they can rent out the property)


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: CONTACT DETAILS

Tel: +36 30 937 4220

the best possible deal

Not sure how to get started?

  • Afraid your budget will be blown?
  • Worried about not finding a reliable company to carry out the work?

Our company a full, detailed quote which includes all costs, expenses and labour, so you can get an accurate picture of your actual expenditure.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What ensures that prices do not change?


The contract shall detailed quotation and payment schedule guarantees that the work will be carried out at the agreed price.

  • How to pay?


Detailed timetable of the works and the payment is due after the completion of the relevant phase, after acceptance.

Contact us for more information!

Please contact free survey, detailed quotation and schedule without obligation.

How to contact us:

Let us help you build the home of your dreams!

Our company in the following municipalities

Can provide family house renovationservices, affordable house renovationi prices:

In the country in the following municipalities:

General contractor:

Gödöllő, Szentendre, Gyál, Kistarcsa, Nagytarcsa, Szada, Peanut, Üröm, Budachshund, Pécel, Dunaharaszti, Chömör, Dunakeszi, Surgeon, Kerepes, Foote, Veresegyház, Őrbottyán, Soroksár, Vecsés, Our soda fountain, Aszód, Hévízgyörk, Göd, Budaörs, Szigetszentmiklós,
 Dunaharaszti, Érd, Diósd, Tárnok, Törökbálint, Fishing in the Baltic Sea, 
Szigethalom, Fist, Pest county

Budapest in the following districts:

General contractor:

District II, District III, District IV, District V. District, District VI, District VII, District VIII, District IX, District X, District XI, District XII, District XIII, District XIV, District XV, District XVI, District XVII, District XVIII, District XIX, District XX

Lake Balaton and Lake Venice in the surrounding municipalities:

General contractor:

Balatonfüred, Keszthely, Tihany, Csopak, Lower Ores, 
Balatonalmádi, Balatonfűzfő, Balatonkenese, Balatonakarattya, Balatonvilágos, Siófok, Zamárdi, Balatonkiliti, Balatonszabadi, Balatonendréd, Your plough, Balatonföldvár, Kőröshegy, Balatonszárszó, Balatonőszöd, Balatonszemes, Balatonlelle, Balatonboglár, Ordacsehi, Fonyódliget, Fonyód, Intestinal tract, Balatonfenyves, Balatonmáriafürdő, Balatonújlak, Balatonberény, Balatonszentgyörgy, 
Zámor, Gyenesdiás, Vonyarcvashegy, Balatongyörök, Balatonederics, Szigliget, Badacsony, Badacsonytomaj, Transfiguration, Balatonrendes, Révfülöp, 
Zánka, Balatonakali, Balatonudvari, Patrolman, Asoőő, Venice, Gárdony
